Our Hustle through March 2020

Design with MoTIV

MoTIV ran a Design Charrette on the 7th of March at the warehouse where they hosted different creatives that brainstormed on design ideas for space.

Motiv, in partnership with The Innovation Village and Tukole, also put out a call for heroes where tailors were hailed to make masks in the bid to deter the spread of Corona Virus during this Covid19 pandemic.


On Investment with KAIN

The month of March was quite productive for KAIN despite the pandemic.

There were two Online Masterclasses with one tackling The Fundamentals and Negotiation of Term sheets hosted by Reuben Gasansule, an Investment Analyst.

The second Masterclass covered The Fundamentals on Business Valuation and Capitalization Tables with Kenneth Legesi as the host.


Quality Control and Skilling with TUKOLE

Tukole held a Frugal wig making Masterclass from the 10th-12th March at the MoTIV warehouse. This imparted skills that women and youth can apply to generate income to self-sustain and uplift their standards of living.

Last month, Tukole also held a Quality Control workshop at Nakawa Vocational Institute on the 18th of March to have a discussion and educate entrepreneurs on the acceptable standards of products.


Bringing women to Digital Careers with UPSKILL

For the women’s month, Upskill embarked on empowering women with up-to-date digital skills through the Code Queen Masterclass.

Code Queen was a 6-week women-only web development masterclass in collaboration with Educating The Children.

To continue its mission of skilling the youth, Upskill also held a 10-week Masterclass on Data Analysis focusing on analysis, visualization and data presentation. In collaboration with Mkazipreneur, Upskill held a Digital Marketing Masterclass where students were taught the fundamentals of digital marketing, that help to grow businesses and careers.

To close the skills gap across social classes, Upskill launched a Digital Marketing Masterclasses at the slums of Kikubamutwe – to give all youths equal opportunity of ideas to life, this happened on the 13th of March 2020.


COVID19 Knock-Down Challenge

To tackle the growing challenges brought about by Covid19, The Innovation Village launched an innovation call. This call was to seek out solutions addressing; Productivity, Last Mile Communication and Supply Chains. Lots of interesting solutions came through.

So far an online Demo Day has been organized for the 23rd of April and The97 COVID Relief Fund has been set up to support selected solutions emerging from the challenge in form of cash and/or technical support to the teams inclusive of mentorship and access to market to scale and grow. Partners are also being contacted to support the solutions through the fund. We can’t wait for the heroes that will emerge.


Zayed Sustainability Prize – Opportunities

The search is on for global heroes innovating for Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global High schools is underway.
Do you have an answer to one of the global problems under these categories?
Please visit for details and submit your application.

A Message From Our Team Lead,

Dear Entrepreneur,

It goes without saying that a lot has changed in the past month, since the advent of the pandemic.

Covid19 has changed the way we interact and as social beings, this has meant making drastic changes in almost every area of life on a personal, communal and institutional level.

As we do our best to survive this, we want you to know that we are still committed to living life as a community of entrepreneurs regardless of the circumstances.

We care to know, how you are coping or failing to cope with the changes that have come with the pandemic.

We purpose to collectively come up with solutions that can help us and our enterprises survive or adapt to these circumstances.

So we invite you to an in-house gathering on the 17th of March 2020.

The purpose of this gathering is to ask the question, we would ask you at the start of this message;

Dear, Entrepreneur, How are you holding up?

Let’s meet and talk on the 17th of April 2020.

Till then, may the hustle be ever in your favor.

CK Japheth.



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